
: Albums : Satco : S8487.jpg

S8487.jpg  by AKalter

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File Information
Dimensions: 1714 x 3305 pixels.
Orientation: Portrait
Filesize: 1.21MB
Uploaded : 10/15/2019
Original Filename : S8487.jpg

EXIF Information Retrieved (not always available)
Model:PENTAX K-5
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows
Exposure Time:1/80 sec
Exposure Program:Manual
ISO Speed:ISO-400
DateStamp Original:1/31/2018 2:44:55 PM
Shutter Speed:1/80 sec
Exposure Bias:13/10 EV
Metering Mode:Spot
Flash:Flash Off
Focal Length:90 mm
Exposure Mode:Manual Exposure
White Balance:Manual White Balance
All image and article copyrights held by the respective member. No license to use, copy, or distribute images is granted or implied, unless expressly granted by the respective member in writing.