
Pine trees in Tahoe using Intentional Camera Movement (ICM- purposeful movement of the camera while the shutter is open causing intentional blurring of your subject.) This is one of my favorite techniques for making dreamy abstracts.

Pining Pine trees in Tahoe using Intentional Camera Movement (ICM- purposeful movement of the camera while the shutter is open causing intentional blurring of your subject.) This is one of my favorite techniques for making dreamy abstracts. by Dawn Jefferson

Tagged with: pine trees, pines, trees, abstract, icm, intentional camera movement, forest

Views: 96
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File Information
Dimensions: 7360 x 4912 pixels.
Orientation: Landscape
Filesize: 26.12MB
Uploaded : 1/8/2017
Original Filename : 15_1008easternsierras0114-Edit.jpg

EXIF Information Retrieved (not always available)
Software:NIKON D810 Ver.1.02
Photographer:Dawn Jefferson
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