Tagged with:
biodiversity, dead tree limb, decayed wood, decomposer organisms, decomposing wood, decomposition, ecological balance, ecological harmony, ecosystem health, environmental balance, environmental sustainability, fallen branch, forest ecology, forest ecosystem, forest floor, forest fungi, forest renewal, fungal colony, fungal community, fungal diversity, fungal growth, fungal kingdom, fungal network, fungal presence, fungal species, fungal spores, fungal symbiosis, fungi, growing, life cycle, microorganisms, mushroom, mycelial threads, mycelium, mycology, mycorrhizal association, natural decomposition, natural process, natures cycle, natures renewal, organic matter, organic recycling, symbiotic relationship, tree decay, tree limb decay, tree limb decomposition, woodland decay, woodland decomposition, woodland habitat, woodland life, woodland wonders
File Information
Dimensions: 8256 x 5504 pixels.
Orientation: Landscape
Filesize: 19.32MB
Uploaded : 12/11/2024
Original Filename : fungi growing on tree limb NZ93920.jpg
EXIF Information Retrieved (not always available)
GPS Latitude Ref:N
GPS Latitude:30,8.6481
GPS Longitude Ref:W
GPS Longitude:85,35.0919
GPS Altitude Ref:Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude:8/1
Model:NIKON Z 9
Software:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
Photographer:Terry Kelly
Exposure Time:1/400 sec
Exposure Program:Manual
ISO Speed:ISO-500
DateStamp Original:2/28/2024 11:43:12 AM
Shutter Speed:1/400 sec
Exposure Bias:0 EV
Metering Mode:Center Weighted Average
Flash:Flash On, Return Not Detected, Flash Fired
Exposure Mode:Manual Exposure
White Balance:Manual White Balance
Lens:0.0 mm f/0.0
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