Mapped Travel

: Albums : Travel : Mapped Travel

Ever wish you may choose to save your own travel videos watching them soon after when it was subsequently more suitable? Maybe you may choose to even switch them up to your phone or islate and bear them for you? For more information visit now http://www.m

Mapped Travel Ever wish you may choose to save your own travel videos watching them soon after when it was subsequently more suitable? Maybe you may choose to even switch them up to your phone or islate and bear them for you?	For more information visit now	http://www.m by gernalreviews

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File Information
Dimensions: 3264 x 2448 pixels.
Orientation: Landscape
Filesize: 2.72MB
Uploaded : 10/22/2015
Original Filename : Mapped Travel.jpg

EXIF Information Retrieved (not always available)
GPS Latitude Ref:N
GPS Latitude:41,3.6
GPS Longitude Ref:W
GPS Longitude:73,32.54
GPS Altitude Ref:Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude:16/1
Model:iPhone 4S
Exposure Time:1/20 sec
Exposure Program:Normal Auto
ISO Speed:ISO-400
DateStamp Original:5/4/2012 8:14:22 PM
Shutter Speed:1/20 sec
Metering Mode:Pattern
Flash:Flash Off
Focal Length:4.3 mm
Exposure Mode:Auto Exposure
White Balance:Auto White Balance
All image and article copyrights held by the respective member. No license to use, copy, or distribute images is granted or implied, unless expressly granted by the respective member in writing.