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Your search for 'weathered' in all photos returned 4 results.

The Lone Tree nr Malham (also available in B&W) by philreay

The Lone Tree nr Malham (also available in B&W)

From the General Landscapes collection. By philreay Known as "limestone pavements", these plateaus of bare and weathered rock often being found at the top of the limestone cliff running along the hillsides. These were originally formed by the scouring action of glaciers during the last ice age. malham, limestone pavement, lone tree
The Lone Tree nr Malham (also available in colour) by philreay

The Lone Tree nr Malham (also available in colour)

From the General Landscapes collection. By philreay Known as "limestone pavements", these plateaus of bare and weathered rock often being found at the top of the limestone cliff running along the hillsides. These were originally formed by the scouring action of glaciers during the last ice age. malham, limestone pavement, lone tree